Top AI Strategy Experts to Follow on LinkedIn

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries across the globe, revolutionizing how businesses operate and compete. As AI continues to advance, keeping up with the latest trends, strategies, and thought leadership is crucial for professionals and organizations alike. LinkedIn provides a platform to connect with some of the brightest minds in AI.

1. Ian Buck - VP and General Manager of Accelerated Computing, NVIDIA
Ian Buck is the Vice President and General Manager of Accelerated Computing at NVIDIA. He is a pioneering figure in GPU computing and has played a crucial role in the development of CUDA. Ian’s posts often cover the latest innovations in AI and accelerated computing, providing followers with insights into how NVIDIA is driving the future of AI technology. 

2. Fei-Fei Li - Co-Director, Stanford Human-Centered AI Institute
Fei-Fei Li is a Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University and Co-Director of the Stanford Human-Centered AI Institute. Her pioneering work in computer vision has made significant contributions to the field of AI. On LinkedIn, Fei-Fei shares her research findings and thoughts on the ethical implications of AI, promoting a balanced approach to AI development. 

3. Doug Pace - CEO, Stonehill
Doug Pace is the CEO of Stonehill, a leading business advisory and consulting firm. With a deep understanding of AI's impact on business strategies, Doug has been instrumental in helping organizations leverage AI to drive growth and efficiency. His insights on AI implementation and innovation are invaluable for anyone looking to stay ahead in the AI landscape. 

4. Demis Hassabis - Co-Founder and CEO, DeepMind
Demis Hassabis is the co-founder and CEO of DeepMind, an AI research lab known for its groundbreaking work in artificial intelligence. Under his leadership, DeepMind has developed several high-profile AI projects, including AlphaGo. Demis's posts offer a glimpse into the cutting-edge research at DeepMind and the potential future applications of AI technology.

 5. Cynthia Breazeal - Associate Director, MIT Media Lab
Cynthia Breazeal is an Associate Director at the MIT Media Lab and a pioneer in social robotics and human-robot interaction. Her work explores how robots can assist in everyday life and enhance human capabilities. On LinkedIn, Cynthia discusses the latest developments in robotics and AI, and their implications for society, providing valuable insights into this rapidly evolving field.

 6. Jeff Dean - Senior Fellow, Google Research
Jeff Dean is a Senior Fellow at Google Research, where he leads Google’s AI efforts. He has been instrumental in the development of several key AI technologies, including TensorFlow. Jeff’s LinkedIn posts provide deep insights into the latest AI research and development at Google, making him a must-follow for anyone interested in cutting-edge AI advancements.

7. Scott Likens - Innovation Hub & Trust Technology Leader, PwC
Scott Likens is the Innovation Hub & Trust Technology Leader at PwC, where he guides clients through the complexities of digital transformation, including the adoption of AI technologies. His insights on AI strategy and implementation help organizations navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, making him a valuable source of knowledge and expertise on LinkedIn.

Following these AI strategy experts on LinkedIn will keep you informed about the latest advancements and strategic insights in the field of artificial intelligence. Their diverse perspectives and extensive expertise make them invaluable resources for anyone interested in the future of AI.


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